I have set up a filter for approximately 75,000 records, which includes filters for list values and a number range. When there are fewer than 500 records, the number range filter works fine. However, with the full dataset of 75,000 records, it takes 3-5 minutes to load, even if I set the display item limit to 10. When I remove the number range filter, the results appear in 1-3 seconds. What am I doing wrong here? is there any other options to do number range filter for number range values.
On your table do a paggination , dont show everthign at the same time
Can also user price_range twice one for lower bond and one for upper bond.
like this:
price_range >= filter_slider_lower_value
price_range <= fileter slider_upper_value
this will insure you get only price which are in between. this less comput and i do this a lot with date range filtiration.
Hi, thank you for the reply
I never show everything. check the images I only get 10 items as limit(item until #10).
Even if you choose to limit to 10, the search will first pass all db rows to check constrains, that s why I suppose it is so long to display.
I never used the range field. But I suggest to store a max and min price instead, it will be quicker to render.
Don t hesitate to submit a support request to have some advice from the bubble team and the right explanation, and share it there !
Scaling is not that easy, and as you can see, one db structure doesnt fit all
You will discover what is working with a few entries vs dozen of thousand the hard way…