Hi Friends! I have a quick one here. In bubble, my Data Type: “Building” has 3 fields: “Height”, “Width”, and "Depth.
I want to use a pie chart to show the Depth, Height and Width compared to each other.
How do I do this? Thank you so much for your help!
Hi Skinnydow,
Did you get the paid version of the Chart element? If I remember correctly, the free version only supports displaying a single series of data. If you need to have multiple series, you’ll need to get the paid version.
You can also search for great chart plugins such as @alex4 TechBlocks Charts:
Hey Bubblers,
Since releasing the Simple Charts plugin in 2019, over 600 Bubble users have installed the plugin and provided lots of great feedback. Based on this feedback, we’ve added many new improvements including 100+ customizations, animations, click events, hover events, custom tooltips, and new chart types.
Take a look at the big updates I’ve made to the demo page here:
Bubble Plugin Page Link:
We’re always looking to improve the plugin, so as alway…
June 3, 2021, 3:07pm
Thanks @cmarchan ! @bubblealex let me know if you have any questions as you look for a pie chart solution!
August 11, 2021, 12:19am
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