Please upvote backend WF error trigger

Dear Bubblers,
when one of the frequent problems in Bubble occur, a backend WF might be aborted whilst running.

For some apps, like mine, an incomplete backend WF generates huge problems. In my case it creates an inconsistent transaction that completely blocks my users until I manually fix it.

Unfortunately there is no “when an error occurs” on the backend and I learn of a problem just when a user contacts me to complain.

Please upvote this feature: workflow error trigger available in backend

If Bubble cannot become reliable in the short term, it should at least let us manage the problems it causes.

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Errors should only really occur with external APIs or plugin actions. You can handle the first very easily by including errors in the API response (then Create a new Log (data type) when Result of step X’s returned an error is yes).

With plug-in actions, you can probably build an error detection or just use other relevant conditions to work out if an error has happened.

Hi, I experience errors in absence of external APIs or plugin actions.

  1. The user triggers a WF#1 in the frontend;
  2. A WF#2 in backend is fired completing a series of actions (without external APIs or plugins). I set this in the backend to smooth the user experience in the frontend.

It’s the WF#2 that may fail if in the meantime Bubble goes down. The problem is that WFs in the backend don’t have a “when an error occurs” so I cannot know when they fail.