Return a "bubble error" for a plugin's action

HEllo Fam!

Is this possible in a plugin to return a pure bubble backend workflow error if the action failed ? If yes, how does it need to be set ?

Thanks !!

@alexcooney5 maybe ?

So you would like custom code to actually cause an error.

Maybe raise an exception in the code?


Hey @ZubairLK thanks for responding.

How would you do this ?

Hi @sarahesteve
You can’t emit an event of special type “error”, but you can emit an event that you could label “Error” (and have publish states that hold information about the error. Something like this;

Nothing special - just normal plugin “events” :slight_smile:

Hm I understand. Thank you for the suggestion @lindsay_knowcode !

What I was thinking of was bubble action error like with an api action :

Why ? Because of developpers… When they will add the plugin action, how many will think of adding extra event to handle error ?

And also because we are using Ncscale to monitor bubble wf errors and so we can be alerted without addind extra steps…

So my question was, can we, when we create a plugin, on wf action, handle bubble wf errors like with api calls, allowing the wf to run but triggering a bubble native error ?

Maybe @minimumstudio knows ?