Plugin demo pages not available due to plan changes

I’ve noticed a few plugin pages that were using the free version (hobby plan) to demo their free plugins. This is a shame, because people who have created plugins for free so that the bubble community can benefit (which also benefits bubble the company) can no longer demo their creations. Many of these plugins have been left alone for years and are not likely to come back to fix their demo page.

This is an oversight that is quite a shame… would it be possible for people promoting free content to have access to a free plan? Why would I pay a monthly free to provide a free service?

Here’s an example of a plugin with a broken demo page (as a result of the recent changes)


Agree with this…many free plugins i observed have no more demo pages. Bubble really came down hard on hobby plans.


I made this point repeatedly. Bubble doesn’t effing care. I pay for the privilege of supporting my “free” plugins. It’s part of why I’m not really participating in this community anymore.