[PLUGIN] - Performance Timing, Workflow Response Times + Service Worker

Thank you!
it is very high level for me - use local storage …
but i’ll think in this side :slight_smile:

Lighting up the bat sign for @keith

I just bought this plugin and done everything according to description.

I see no changes in speed or page load.

You have the service worker installed right?
Can you send me the URL to your site and I’ll check the SW is installed correctly for you.

It’s running really well, I’d say. Your page loaded quick and I can see all the assets being cached in the browser just fine on my laptop. When you open up the browser tools, upon checkin the Application section, you should see this…

Maybe it’s already optimized enough. There doesn’t seem to be an awful lot in the cache but then I’ve only hit the first page. Is there a particular page which is slow or something?

It looks good to me.

Yes only https://breldigital.com → homepage speed is really bad even after installing this plugin.

when checked on google page speed insight and GT metrics, Ranking are not improved at all…

Do you have any video tutorial how exactly do you optimize using this plugin?

I’m not too sure on what else to suggest here. If you temporarily uninstall the plugin and manually remove the service worker from the dev tools, does the page speed up again? I’ve gone through the plugin and checked a few things but I can’t see a reason for it yet. When I browse your site from my laptop, it does seem to be coming up pretty quick. Just out of curiosity though, are you seeing the same slowness if you try using another browser? What OS are you using?

I use MacOS. on my mobile version, i have no images and i load only texts.

even after using your plugin there is no changes in performance, please check google page speed insight. i feel i just wasted $25 for nothing.

I have a MAC so I’ll do some comparison tests against the browsers between Apple and Windows to see how the page loads. What browser are you using? Chrome or Safari?

all, chrome, safari, firefox.

all im saying from the begining is “Im not able to get green signal” on page speed insight or light house.

Im waiting for your reply

Sorry, I’ve been swamped with other work, I can’t see any issues with it, I mean Bubble pages don’t measure up for being particularly quick at times because of the JS bloat and all that, but I’m not convinced they will always give the green light through page insights and other tools alike.

Have you done other searches through the forum on page insights and lighthouse? Or tried any other tools?

Remove the plugin and remove the service worker from the dev tools and retest the page. See if the page is still slow to load without it.

Even after removing the plugin its same result. So what does this plugin exactly do? i do not see this plugin do anything as told in the plugin page.

Wasted $25 for no reason.

Next week when I get more time, I’ll go over it in detail.

its been over a week now, waiting for a update from your end.

Ah yes, sorry for the delay. I ran some tests on various browsers using both Windows and macBook, the service worker installed correctly each time and it’s doing it’s job correctly too. If you’re site is already well optimized then you may not necessarily see any improvements in speed. The service worker is just designed to cache resources so they don’t need to pulled from Bubble every time the page is loaded for users. This is more noticeable with larger sites but from what I can see, it’s all working.

The unfortunate truth is that there is no bubble plugging which will get you a green lighthouse score.
As he mentioned, bubble has too much JavaScript that it runs on load time.

There is one plugin which can reroute your homepage to a different website so you can get a green lighthouse score for the home page and then use the other pages as normal. I forget the name.

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can you help me find that?

So the money i paid is total waste?

I would suggest that ANY plugin should always be trialled with the subscription plan (unless it’s a $2 plugin), to ensure functionality. That being said, there are a lot of un-optimized things on your website that you can do to make it significantly faster. Your image on the front page at the top is 160k, it would likely look just as good at 60k. All of your smaller images are around 35k, which could be 15k easily. You also have some weird formatting of the text to include …, which makes it look odd when it changes from a full sentence to … in the middle of page load.

You have a repeating group below the fold, is it optimized, or do you have it set to “load all”.

Lots of things can be issues, repeating group data loading is a huge one. You can’t cache data searches. I can guarantee that you can speed up your page 2x by fixing up some things you have going on in your landing page.