Plugin possible?

can you show how did you set up the keys in the plugin?
I think you are still not using the right key, possibly it’s just undefined, that’s why the token is bad.

context.keys is an object, the properties are the keys that you specify in the plugin. Of course if you add spaces to the key name you need square brackets to access it.

I know it’s obvious, but double check that in the test app you put the Frill key for the dev environment.

The keys are the same for dev and live

they look all right to me :man_shrugging:

Another obvious thing: have you tried with real userData? Like proper email, name and id of an existing account?

After that I would run the code locally using node 14 (just put key and data hardcoded for the sake of the test and don’t publish it outside your machine) and try the resulting token. Just to be sure that the code is ok.

Gotcha! The plugin itself seems to be working as expected, it’s the token that’s not working. Maybe it’s time for me to email Frill :blush:

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