How do you add additional series when the series are not known in advance?
@jeffrey.j.obrien you should be able to conditionally add new series if the search for those product lines exists. On the workflow tab, you’d set up an event for when the page load, to “add new series” to the chart. For each “add new series” workflow action, you’d add conditional statements to only add the new series when the product line exists.
Hi @alex4
I came across a a bug when upgrading to the latest version today, and went back through the versions to figure out when it was introduced.
In the Bubble Chart, when adding a series via a workflow action, there is an option to specify a list of “Point Colors” for the series to allow for different color bubbles within the same series. This was working correctly up to version 5.0.65 but stops working in version 5.0.66 (the bubbles all appear grey from 5.0.66 onwards).
Can you please have look and resolve in an upcoming release so that I can continue on the latest version.
@jeffrey.j.obrien thanks for the additional detail. Based on your specific implementation, you might be able to fire a workflow action that removes and re-adds the series when the data changes.
@liam1 good to hear from you and thanks for reaching back out! We’ll take a look at this one and get back to you!
Im not sure this ever got answered but in any case i dont see how the example draggable could update the db. The Workflow is triggered when the bar is dragged but has an only when to say that it only runs when the currently dragged field is ‘no’. I can see why this is needed (the first stops it running all the time, the second stops it running while you are dragging the data) but the 2 are mutually exclusive (it either not being dragged so not triggered or being dragged so fails the only when
As a second issue with the example as @ken1 pointed out you need to pass a parameter to the custom action which I assume should be the x axis value to ensure the correct value is updated