Find a set of recipes that adhere to the given nutritional limits. You may set limits for macronutrients (calories, protein, fat, and carbohydrate) and/or many micronutrients.
Get Recipe Taste by ID
Get a recipe’s taste. The tastes supported are sweet, salty, sour, bitter, savory, and fatty.
Compute Ingredient Amount
Compute the amount you need of a certain ingredient for a certain nutritional goal. For example, how much pineapple do you have to eat to get 10 grams of protein?
Visualize Element Added
With this element and relevant actions, you can show your own recipe’s or a ready-made recipe’s ingredients, equipment, nutrients, price breakdown and taste status.
Hi @eren, I was discussing some things with @Efe about your Wonderful Image Slider plugin on other thread and in one of his visual examples I saw the Spoonacular logo.
I was just going to start working on the implementation of the Spoonacular API so I searched for it in the bubble plugins and found out that you have already built it!
So I just subscribed to it to try it for my app, but i am having trouble learning how to use it.
What I want my users to be able to do is the following:
Search foods by the food’s name (ex: chicken breast, brown rice, etc) and get a list of results with the name and image of each result.
It seems like the image URLs are broken, but that would be an error of the Spoonacular database. I changed the api call to “Search for all foods” and there the images are loading properly.
There is one issue when using GET ingredient information.
Please see below “Nutrition” in the Spoonacular docs.