Pop Up disappear while focus on text field or multi line text field

I am new, I just start learning bubble.io I am following Job workflow: Getting started with Bubble (Lesson 4.7) from Youtube.

I am wondering why my pop up disappear while my cursor focus or click on text field or multiline text field.

can anyone solve this?


Hey @aryowirastomo

I’m new too, but I’ll try to help you somehow. :grinning:

There are several factors that could be causing this behavior, specific settings or interactions, workflow actions, conditions. It would be important for you to check some settings - maybe you’ve already done this.

Are there workflows related to the Pop-up? Mainly of the “Hide” type.

“When an input is focused” → “Hide Pop-up”.

“When an input value is changed” → “Hide Pop-up”.

Also take a look at the “Conditional” tab of the Pop-up element, see if there is a “This element is visible” linked to some rules/conditions.

Maybe it would be interesting to do a test by starting something new.

Add a new Pop-up element to the page, include a new input and multilineinput element, reproduce the interactions and see if the behavior is the same or not.

I put the workflow on wrong element which is the parent of the element that i supposed to add the workflow. thank you for you insights.

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It’s great! :raised_hands:

I’m glad I could help you.
Good luck on this journey.

Whenever you need any help and I can help you, I’ll be here.

You did a great job on your gantt chart… One day I will use that plugin… Great Job…

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That makes me very, very happy. :sparkles:

Thank you for the feedback, it’s this positive energy that motivates me every day. I think you should be focused on your app right now, but if you want to test it and try it out in practice, DM me and I can help you!