Populate new items from API into Bubble DB on a daily basis

So I was able to use the API Connect to initialize and connect to an API. Now that I’ve done that, I’m wondering how I should go about pulling in the API data in the backend at a set frequency, and populating the data into a local database. Is there a relatively easy way to achieve this?

Hello @clark.nc

Easy when you are familiar with backend workflows :smiley:

Explore how recursive backend workflows work. :+1:t2:

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Thanks @cmarchan! Appreciate you pointing me in the right direction. Slightly more complex than what I’m used to doing in Bubble, but doesn’t seem out of reach. If there are any resources that you think are particularly helpful, would be interested to hear!

I see an option to have a task run at a set interval… I can “Create a new thing” every “X amount of seconds.” Here, the specific problem I have is that 1 object is created in the database and it fills up a single field with a bunch of data rather than creating a bunch of unique objects.