Problem with magic link login

Hi all,

I want to use the magic login feature. Easy at all. But no email is incoming in my mailbox. (tried 4 different email providers).

If I use send email, I can find all emails in my inbox. Any ideas?


Hmm :thinking:

I saw this with another client and thought it was just us. I would report the bug because it might be an issue. Are you using your own send grid API key?

nope. I dont use sendgrid. I dont want to spend money for sending emails…

So Bubble uses SendGrid by default to send emails. Unless you use a different provider. I think it’s probably a good idea to still send a bug report. Let us know what happens. :blush:

@jupixy it would help if you share a screenshot of the workflow you’ve made :slight_smile:

Sorry for the delay.
Workflow’s screenshot here:

I tried a bit today. Now bubble won’t send any email to and receipt.

Strange… I haven’t set any custom email settings in bubble.
Also tried different mail addresses and also checked the SPAM folders. Nothing.
My bubble log tells me only the correct workflow execution (send email to mail-adress).

Do not rely on Bubble for email. Ever.

Bubble email system is for testing only.

Get something like or

I actually use my own self-hosted mailing client, and it’s free.


cool. but how to integrate my own email provider in bubble? imap,smtp,… ?
and how to integrate services like in my bubble app?

There are plenty of useful guides or plugins that can help you achieve this. I just made my own API.

This is what I use.

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