Proper Pagination of the Repeating Group

I spent too much time trying to figure this one out.

When clicking on the the Right Arrow button, I skip through pages 1 to 5 and each time Repeating Group updates. When I get to 5 and click on the arrow, it should ideally show me a new range of pages 6-11 and display 6th page automatically.

One way to do this is using Cell Index, but how can tie cell index to Right Arrow button.

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Are you using some plugin (toolbox, list shifter) for pagination?

I did it a couple of times by hand, but then I discovered List Shifter. Definitely use that instead.

(note to self I scribbled down a few years ago: I once poured my heart and soul on a pagination system. Then I watched the users use it. It turns out all they wanted was back-and-forth arrows. :man_facepalming: )


And for anybody interested in List Shifter’s pagination mode the video starting here and the following videos introduces and explains it. While Bubble RG’s could have these same features, they don’t, and as a result it’s super hard to build a proper pagination menu in Bubble when it should really be just as simple as slapping a horizontal RG underneath your paginated RG and have it just work:


The tutorials I found used Toolbox plugin, which worked but from UI pov wasn’t good. When user would click on the arrow, the list of page numbers would show 6-10, but the Repeating Group would still show the page from 1-5 range.

I figured out the solution using custom states, which allows the user to use arrow buttons to jump through pages. If user is on the 5th page and clicks on the arrow key, range changes to 6-10 and 6th page is shown automatically. This def needs to be easier than that.

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