Protect Fields so that only some users can enter data

Hi all! I am developiong an app where a group of users are entering data. It would be lovely if :

Some of the fields are restricted for entry to some users only.

The reason is that these fields are for approvals and I would want only the senior manager to be able to add data and it can be blocked for others to enter data. However all users should be able to view the contents (to look for approval :slight_smile: )

Thanks so much in advance, it will be a great help if someone can!

Just put the relevant conditions on the input elements to disable them for certain Users (I’d also put the conditions on the workflows for added security).

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If you have role or level field in the database, simply have a conditional to say "If current user level is ‘x’ then this isnt clickable’

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thank you so much its very much appreciated let me try and will keep you posted :slight_smile:

thank you so much its very much appreciated let me try and will keep you posted :slight_smile:

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