Question: Google Analytics 4 Single Page Apps

@lindsay_knowcode I’m looking to add your plugin to my application but when using your test page I saw these (attached) errors in the console, and was not getting the results you say we should expect there when the page loads, events fire, or when you enable/disable GA. Any insight here would be appreciated.

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Do you mean this page? Google Analytics Plugin for Bubble

hmmm I don’t see errors when the page loads… :thinking:

Yeah sorry forgot to mention the page. I tried the page in google chrome and got these errors.

Very strange because on this page (let’s be 100% sure we are talking about the same page) there is nothing that connects to

Please could you include the full screenshot that shows the URL you are connecting to?

What is the URL to your app where I can see these errors?

I haven’t installed the plugin yet as I wanted to see it in action on the demo page (Google Analytics Plugin for Bubble) first.

Safari Browser:

Google Chrome Browser:

Firefox Browser:

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Interesting - what it is coming from is the Bubble Plugin video viewer. (nothing to do with GA4 plugin)

There are embedded Youtube videos on this page and the Bubble Plugin (or the youtube embedded players in that plugin) is making the calls to that URL( and these are returning 401 in your network. They return 200 as expected when I look at that page.

I tested it by cloning that page (a new one called “novideos”) and removing the Video Player - see here

I can’t say why this URL is blocked in your network. But some info on the issue here

I guess you could follow up with Bubble support if you were bothered about why the Bubble video player plugin has issues in your network but … but I am sure you are busy!

Good luck!

Thanks for the help. I’m going to install your plugin today on my app and I’ll reach out if I have any issues or questions. Thanks for building this!

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