Hi - would be great if anyone can respond to those 2 “technical questions”. Thank you!
Storing a list of data type into a field (list) in another type: is it just saving a reference to the objects? is there any limitations/recommendations to how many “things” can be stored in a list in a field? can it be 2000 with no problems?
Let’s say the backend saves a list of 1000 “things” in a list “field A” in table A (single record in table A, just one field is a list of 1000 things). Let’s say i load this record in the front end and perform a group by on the 1000 things in the front end. Is it the same as doing a search in the front end to get the 1000 things? Or Bubble is smart and doesn’t need to “re-search” the 1000 elements
Thank you!