Bubble Search/Data Technical Questions

Hi - would be great if anyone can respond to those 2 “technical questions”. Thank you!

  1. Storing a list of data type into a field (list) in another type: is it just saving a reference to the objects? is there any limitations/recommendations to how many “things” can be stored in a list in a field? can it be 2000 with no problems?

  2. Let’s say the backend saves a list of 1000 “things” in a list “field A” in table A (single record in table A, just one field is a list of 1000 things). Let’s say i load this record in the front end and perform a group by on the 1000 things in the front end. Is it the same as doing a search in the front end to get the 1000 things? Or Bubble is smart and doesn’t need to “re-search” the 1000 elements

Thank you!

A list of Things on a Thing is a list of unique IDs. Each thing is only loaded if it is references.

Hard limit 10,000, don’t use above 100 if you can help it. Lists can become hard to manage because of race conditions too - if in doubt, err towards Do a search rather than Thing’s list.

Difficult to say but you’ll find out using the network tab of your browser’s dev tools to see exactly what data is returned. I believe that :group by on a list will download all of the items, but Do a search:group by will return only the groupings/aggregations which is more efficient. You can test it yourself

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