I’ve finally worked out how to link data types and have a design for my database on paper that I’m creating on screen.
Now it comes to linking data types (aka ‘tables’ in my mind) I have a basic question…
I have a Products table in which I have a field for ProductID that uniquely identifies each product. It’s set to Type = Number.
That field will link to an Orders table that will log the products as they’re ordered by my Customers. I therefore have a field in the Orders table called ProductID and have set the data type to Products to link it to the Products table.
I’ve now started wondering if the ProductID field in the Products table should be set to type = Orders to identify each end of the link to Bubble or is Bubble clever enough to work out that ProductID = Number in Products table will for the link to ProductID = Products in the Orders table.
Also, should I set the ProductsID in the Products table to being a ‘primary field’?
Hope that makes sense and I’d be very grateful if anyone can anyone shed any light on it?
Many thanks