Ready To Work? Need A True Bubble Front-End Developer


Our business is working towards a rapid turn MVP development. We already have overall architecture in place and really are looking for someone who can operate as true front-end developer. Due to a recent (2 days old), major change in the marketplace we serve, we have had to do switches so we have Wireframes that are combinations of both some pretty stuff and some quick PPT sketches to capture changes.

What we will do is start feeding you pages:

  1. Wireframe
  2. Page workflows in English
  3. Descriptions of which DB fields are being displayed where
  4. We have some really good starting points from a designer on css and look and feel that should be able to make quick progress.

You will develop the page, toss back to us, we will test it, will you are working the next page. Rinse and repeat.

Looking for someone that can make very solid progress everyday and has at least 4 hours per day to throw at it.

If interested, reply back on how we can reach you and your experience.

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Dear Mr Chris, hello.
Hope my message finds you well.

SparkDev is an experienced team of developers and we have a great front-end developers.
We will be happy to make you a very solid progress.

For any additional information please feel free to contact me in PM or via email.

Hope to hear from you soon.
Kind regards,
