I want to reference my Agent Table to the Incentive Table.
When I add 'Incentive" it does not reference to my Agent Column
Same with my Agent Table
In here, when I add Incentives then it will reference to the Agent Column but it’s blank
Database Structure looks like this
Agent Table

Incentive Table

When I tried to debug, the add_agent state is empty

Well there’s your issue… make it so that Group Add’s add_agent isn’t empty.
Then, create a new Flat Incentive. Then, make changes to Group Add’s add_agent and add the Flat Incentive to the Flat Incentives list.
I don’t know why it’s empty, I’m new to bubble and I’m trying to figure this out.
Here’s the Group Add
When I click it, it will show the Group Focus
Set the state when Group Add is click

Use the debugger by appending ?debug_mode=true to your preview page URL. Parent group’s Agent is probably empty.
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