Repeating group - Calculations made in RG but between RG cells

I need some help please.
I am attempting to create a marketing plan generation page. The user will be able to create a Marketing plan by selecting the different steps that will make up the plan.

Is there a way to use an input field to do calculations between input fields of the repeating group? In this example I would like to change the “Day:” field as referenced by the attached picture to reflect any delays that a previous cell has.
[Day:?] in R.G. Cell#3 should equal [Day:2] + [Delay in Days] from R.G. Cell#2
I hope the attached picture will help better describe what I am after.
Thank you,

You will have Current index in each cell, right?
put inside each cell an “Expression” (the plugin element from Toolkit plugin)

Than make a Expression type number → Current cell - 1

And in the “Day” you put → Repeating group:item#Expression A’s number’sDay + Repeating group:item#Expression A’s number’sDelay

maybe it will work

Thank you ri_scc_94.
If “Day” and “Delay in Days” were actual fields stored in the data table and I was only showing saved information via the R.G. then your idea would work perfectly. Unfortunately “Delay in Days” can be changed by the user as it is an input field and the result should be that the next repeating groups cell would adjust accordingly to reflect the change in Day before the user saves the changes.
Any ideas on how to accomplish that?
Thanks again for your help.

sure, you can put the “days” in the cell as a condition

as said:
You will have Current index in each cell, right?
put inside each cell an “Expression” (the plugin element from Toolkit plugin)

Than make a Expression type number → Current cell - 1

And in the “Day” you put → Repeating group:item#Expression A’s number’sDay + Repeating group:item#Expression A’s number’sDelay

maybe it will work

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