I have a repeating group with many (about 50) conditionals which change the data source of the repeating group depending on the condition. Does having many conditionals slow down the loading speed of the repeating group or should it not make a difference?
I can’t imagine it being a good way to do it. Is there a way to use the database to store those 50 conditions and then you may not even need any conditionals? Hard to understand without seeing what you’re doing, but using the database would be my first guess.
Agreeing with @philnauta. If you can post some screenshots or a link to your editor, that’d help contextualize.
Provided you have 1) a good database structure and 2) a logical flow for your end-user inputs, then there should be no need for that many conditions. It may have significant impact on your apps performance (especially from a data standpoint) and the likelihood of bugs.
For example, say you’re building Yelp. You may have 10 different cuisine types. To select a cuisine, a user checks a box.
The better approach is to add that cuisine to a custom state versus having a conditional that says “When “Italian” is checked, then Do a search for X”. Rather, you would use a single search that says, "When restaurant’s cuisine is in the custom state’s list of selected restaurant types).
Think of things from the perspective of another developer coming in and maintaining your app. If they encountered an error or are looking augment a feature, they would need to investigate 50 different conditions.