Repeating group not updating

Does anyone experience the same issue of repeating groups not updating data? New records are not shown, I have to refresh the page.



I noticed that it might happen when you have lots of queries (searches) on a page or a complex search where you filter records and then merge with another source.

There are a lot as it’s a one page application. Approx 15 repeating groups with regular searches, nothing with advanced filters or merging.

This issue actually resolves itself and then comes back now and then, only happening from today :frowning: I already filed a bug report.

When I run in debug mode, step by step the issue is resolved. It seems that the workflows are going too fast.

I was able to replicate the issue. Very weird issue. It seems that doing a search to set the positioning on a kanban board when creating the record is triggering the data not to appear. Strangely enough, issue never appeared for the past two weeks.

resolved by making a change in the last step.

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I am getting the same thing. Seem a bug needs to be reported. :blush:

I reported a bug with Bubble, they are investigating. Just thought I would share this solution.

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Thanks! Much appreciated! :blush:

Yes we got it today also.

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