Repeating group Pagination help

I am creating a modeling search agency similar to I have seen some tutorials on Rp pagination but they don’t seem to be what I am looking for. My preference would be for a certain number of images to be loaded in the page and to view the next set of images you must click the next button which takes you into a different url where you can view the next page of images. Is this possible? Check the link below. (Not finished with the website though).

Talentia Models

For each dropdown/search you can make it so when a value or page # is changed you change/add URL parameters.

For example add a When Input's value has changed event, pick Dropdown Gender → Go to page → Current page but add a new parameter gender = This Dropdown's value's Display

So as you change pages/constraints the URL will become something like

The RG’s search constraint for Gender will point to Get data from page URL → Parameter name gender and Type is the Gender option set. Repeat for page number and rest of constraints :blush:

If you only handle the page numbers then if you share the link with someone it won’t maintain the search constraints and their page #2 will look different than another person’s page #2.

Thanks for the reply but your method seems to be inline with the other Rp pagination tutorials I’ve seen. Aren’t those other images still loading on the screen but just hidden?
So would your method help with the page speed of my website if I had 10,000 models loading on my Rgroup? I prefer instead of 10,000 models loading all at once into my Rgroup, it would be 64 models per page without page load speed suffering.

The method I mentioned still uses Bubble’s native search function where it only loads what you’re looking at, then you go to the next page and it loads the next batch :slight_smile: It won’t load all at once just like if you were using your dropdown value’s directly.

Thanks, I did exactly what you said but it is only adding one parameter when input is changed. It isn’t adding multiple parameters to a page for multiple inputs changed.

Each input has to apply a different parameter, and you have to check the box to keep current parameters so it doesn’t remove them

I checked the box for each dropdown/input as proven on the photos, but it’s still not adding multiple parameters to the page.

Talentia search

Check out the link

You have to check that box “Send current page parameters”

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