Probably a simple question, but I can’t find an answer on my own… I am sending data to a page using “Go to page” action. The parameter is sent via URL (if I understand it correctly). On that new page I assign it to a custom state, which I can later reset. However, if I refresh the page (which I need to do, or user may do), the original variable (from URL) hits back. This is undesirable.
Is there a way to fix this? Of course I can always call the page itself using the same “Go to page” action", but it will again require to fill out “Data to send”, which I don’t want to do.
I’m late on this post but I just figured out a way to do it. I was having the exact same problem as the OP - when I hit the refresh button on the browser, the page URL would stay. This wouldn’t work because I had a Toast Notification that ran based on a page parameter.
So the way to do it is actually pretty simple:
Just make a “go to page action” go to the current page and send no data. Doing this will clear the URL parameter.
Thank you for sharing this. Spent hours racking my brain. Even used Plugin Browser to replace the URL and that didn’t work either. Can’t believe there isn’t a better way… but it works. As mine is in a “reusable item”, had to put 4 different events with “go to page X if page name is X”, but it works.