Hello Bubble Friends,
I have a table where each row four columns.
Using Bubble’s Draggable Elements plugin, is it possible for user to drag an entire row of that table from its existing index location, and dropping it into a different index location within the same table, resulting in the table rows being resorted?
All day I’ve been coming up empty trying to figure out the workflow just to resort the indexes of a single column repeating group, yet alone a row from a table.
The issue seems to be though that each row contains four columns. So far I haven’t found a way to create a single drag/drop element and drop zone that extends across four columns of a row.
I made my table a single column, entered initial content from the database, I made the drop area, and the drag/drop elements, etc. I’m currently getting no drag and drop action. I have no workflows yet, so obviously no drop function shouldn’t be working, but I feel I should be able to grab a row and drag it only for it to “move back” to its index; but right now when I go to preview the page it just looks like a repeating group with zero drag and drop function.