Reusable elements missing when creating new app, is it bug?

Hello everyone,

I didn’t find any information regarding updates removing’s standard reusable elements like sing-up\log-in popup and header/ footer from newly created base app. Is it feature or bug?

It’s already 3 people tried to create new app and missing it as well…

Best regards.

I have the same problem: I don’t find the standard reusable elements like the header with sign-up sign-in buttons

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Actually I found sing-up/log-in form in templates available, with all workflows as required.

Considered as fixed…

I am having the same problem. I don’t see any reusable elements like header and footer. Any tips?

Did you try Malik’s solution?


This templates here - down below. Ones you placed in on page - carefully check it’s workflows. It’s pretty strange for me, but it’s possible to figure it out.

Regarding footer and header - yes - it’s still missing. As I can see - it’s time to build it by yourself :neutral_face:

thanks. I ended up building it myself.

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