RG data source (external API) should be list but is a single item

The api is designed to get an array of things from XANO but it isn’t be recognized as a list, why would that be?

And for a bonus round, does anyone know what this error means?The plugin Xano Connector / element Xano Query threw the following error: TypeError: undefined is not iterable (cannot read property Symbol(Symbol.iterator))
at Function.from ()
at array_from (https://myagencyview.com/package/run_debug_js/70bd087d3d595c5e2c82ca6ea7521e6e666b8ce68bb23ccff61259bb86499d40/xfalse/x22/run_debug.js:112:211182) (please report this to the plugin author)

When you initialize the API, can you confirm from the JSON response the getCustomRule is indeed a list, like this…

I don’t see anything like that.

I guess you are not using the Bubble API connector.

Perhaps you could try using it, or send a message to the creator of the plugin you are using.

I am using the API connector.

I had to add [brackets] around the JSON response, which is incredibly confusing because 1) I still don’t see anything like the screenshot you shared indicating that the response is a list and 2) when I go to manually update the response again (like I just did) the [brackets] are no longer there. It’s still just an object. Whatever…thanks for giving me the idea at lease to manually add [brackets].

When you scroll down and click on “Raw Data”, is there an array in there?

It will look like this…

Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 5.14.08 AM

Please note the opening square bracket.

That’s what you can iterate over, or use in the repeating group.