Whenever I create a new data type, I get this error. When I click on the issues popup and click on it, it just reloads the app. This never used to happen. Tables made since don’t work with repeating groups. Very frustrating.
This happens to me when I check ‘Make new data types private by default’ in the editor.
You can check the privacy rules for your data types here:
Never even noticed that option. Interesting!
Thank you that worked! If I mark your answer a solution, would that close the bug report? I still consider it a bug and your response a workaround.
I don’t think this is a bug actually. When you check ‘Make new data types private by default’, your new data types will not be accessible until you provide the valid privacy rules. But if you have never checked this option it is a bug ofcourse. You can mark a comment here as a solution because a forum post is not an official bug report. For a bug report to be submitted and looked at by the Bubble team you have to create one here: https://bubble.io/bug_report.
Edit: What could be a bug is when you click on the issue popup and it reloads the page. That is something the Bubble team can look at.
Yeah, that would NOT be a bug… unless OP @rob.m.solomon never actually checked that option…
(I wouldn’t be surprised either way. E.g. My List Popper & Friends plugin set itself from Open Source to Private — something that is supposedly not even possible for ME to do — the other night. So it’s entirely possible that option mighta turned itself on. But, Occam’s Razor says that OP turned it in without realizing what it does… )
I guess what is is surprising is that when you click the issue popup, rather than take you to a place where you can address the issue (as all other issues do (e.g., if you set a bad condition for dynamic data, it takes you right there)) it reloads the app and takes you nowhere.
Yeah, that doesn’t seem helpful, does it? That’s almost certainly a bug that should be filed, @rob.m.solomon!
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