Saving files into Database using File Uploader widget

Hi everyone,

I need some help trying to store a file uploaded by a user into the database. What is currently happening is that when a user uploads a file it goes straight to the file manager.

Thank you for any future help.

All files goes into file manager. What you need to do is to save it in a “file” field in a DB thing using file uploader value

Ah I see.

What would I specifically do in order to do that? I am very new to bubble and still don’t know how to do a few things.

Thank you

Maybe you should start watching some tutorials?
They are basics things to learn in Bubble. If you don’t understand how to save the value of an input to your DB… you are not ready to use Bubble.
There’s a lot of video, from short to long to learn Bubble and the tutorial when you create an app.
Start here for a basic example: (8min)

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