Search Box Error

Good night!

Does anyone know how to solve the error that is occurring in the Search Box Geographic Addresses?

I have 2 Search Boxes inside my system on different pages and the two stopped searching for addresses. I migrated to the PRO plan yesterday. Today it presented this failure since 2:00 pm Brasília time - Br.

My App just hasn’t pulled addresses since. I didn’t make any changes.

I need this strength to be able to launch my first system:

Can someone help me? Is it a Bubble error?

When you upgraded have you added a Google Maps API key into your settings?

Good night David! Thanks for the answer.

The error is happening in the version-test

Right, in your settings tab, have you added the Google Maps API key?

I added yes.
now that i upgraded will i have to make any changes?

does the search box search from the API configured on the google cloud platform?

You need to deploy for the keys to be active.

excellent tip. Thank you very much. I managed to unlock. I entered the google clud platform api settings and added the new domain:* in the “customer” field and activated all 7 complementary apis:

Google Maps
and etc…

thank you very much

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