Search bulk data

Fellow bubblers I need your help. I have a large dataset (5000+) that I am querying (searching) to display on a dashboard. There are mutlple views I am displaying from the same data type which means I’ve had to create multiple nested repeating groups with calculations inside each. Currently I am searching the full database in one RG and then using filtered by: to do the different calcs and views. The loading time for this is unusable and sometimes crashes. Any suggestions on how to approach this?


Maybe simply answer is to read up on best practices. One thing to keep in mind is that the more data you are trying to show at once, the longer the time it takes to display. Also, the more fields associated with the data type you are displaying, the longer it takes to retrieve from server and send to the client (app). Also, nested repeating groups add to load time. Doing calculations require the calculation to complete before the value is displayed (adds to load time).

If you provide an idea of what your end goal is, it might be easier for somebody to tell you how to achieve it, and also include your data structure and what the calculation is based on.

Thanks @boston85719. This helps a lot. Let’s see what I can find