I’m loving the ease of the bubble system, but I have to make a search that I’m not sure how to do. Please help if you can.
Db structure is
A Concept has a list of assets, and an asset belongs to one concept.
An asset has an approval status (not approved / approved).
I would like to query for all of the concepts that have all of their approval statuses = approved.
The result of the search will go into a repeating group.
I had thought of a backend workflow that would change a status on the concept when all workflows are approved (and then something to watch if one of the assets transitions from approved to not approved) but I’m not sure how to use backend worklows to check that.
Hi there, @doug1… with the way you have your data types set up, you would have to use an advanced filter to get the list of concepts where all of their assets are approved. Here is an example where an option set is used for the approval statuses.
Note that the Search for Concepts doesn’t have any constraints on it, and that is actually one of the downsides here from a performance perspective because advanced filters happen on the client (browser) side. So, the search is going to return all of the items in the Concept data type to the browser, and then the filter will be applied. Oh, and here is the filter that is part of the advanced filter.
If you want to avoid using an advanced filter, you could do what you said and have a status on the concept that changes when all of the concept’s assets have been approved. I’m not going to go down that path in this response, but you could consider it if the advanced filter is not performant.
I was a little concerned about not being able to use Concept’s Client is this page’s Client, but that worked in conjunction with what you’re suggesting.
I confirmed in the XHR requests in the browser that only that client’s concepts were being searched.