Setting Up Alert when input is valid

Seem to be struggling understanding how to display alert messages, when an input value is valid for my sign up form. I have attached a video me explaining my issue more in depth.

Hi there, @merhirawad1992… with your example, you would add a couple of workflow steps in front of the sign up step. The first step to add would be the Element Actions >> Show message action, and you would select your alert element in this step. Also, you would add an Only when condition to this step to show the alert only when the email field is empty. Then, after that step, you would add a step with the Navigation >> Terminate this workflow action, and you would add the same Only when condition to this step. Make sense?

By the way, I’m guessing you already know this, but there are other ways to accomplish this task without having to add a bunch of workflow steps. For example, if you use the built-in signup/login functionality, you get the error checking stuff for free. Also, if you check the This input should not be empty checkbox on your fields, any field that is left blank will be highlighted when the sign up button is clicked. True, these options may not give you the user experience you want, so there’s nothing wrong with doing it the way you are doing it, but you just have to add a bunch of workflow steps to make it happen.

Hope this helps.


Thank you for the response. In regards to the built-in signup/login functionality, you get the error checking stuff for free. I don’t get the error checking stuff I just get the red highlighted border.

Yeah, that’s what I meant, but again, that might not be the user experience you want.

I’m more a visual person is there a video you can post to help a fellow out?

A video for what? Adding the steps to show an alert that I described in my original response?

Yeah man, I’m new to bubble, hope you understand.

Yup yup… no worries at all. I don’t know of a video for your exact example, but here are a couple of screenshots of the steps I described in my initial response…



Does that help?

I did everything you suggested, still not displaying. I may have forgotten something. Let me know. I would appreciate it.

You have the This input should not be empty checkbox checked for those elements, and if you want your alert to display, you have to uncheck that box. Because the box is checked, the system isn’t even getting to your workflow in order to fire off the alert because it knows the fields are empty and doesn’t proceed to the workflow.

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