Setting up domain

i have used the template for current application , now when i open the it shows the template and shows my app . can anyone tell me how can i fix this . i want my app to run on instead of

in bubble settings → domain i’ve set up the domain i’ve bought on porkbun.

version-test is the path of the development version of your app.

Your ‘live’ app lives at your root domain.

So if the template is still showing there, then you obviously haven’t deployed your changes to live.

So that’s what you need to do.

Hi @shauryanayyarviic30 ,
Version-test, path will be used for staging/development version of your application.

Once you deploying to live/production, it can be acceessable withour this URL “version-test”.

For your reference:

thanks a alottt, adam!
you’re life saver

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