Setting up Outlook API for emails

I need some help setting up graph api to send emails from outlook.

I have done everything right, but there seems to be an issue with tokens

I am getting the following error
Your token is not valid any more. You should sign up again in run mode to get a token to set up and modify your calls

Can someone please ping me

It’s telling you to login again to obtain a new token. This will be the case in development mode. Push to live and you won’t have to keep doing so.

Thanks Lantz.

Once the API is setup I get a message asking me to initialise the call using debug_true mode
I do this in development mode by creating an account using social network and initialisation is successful

Now I publish the app to live mode and try logging in using social network for outlook and everything works fine for a few hours.

After a few hours of pushing it live , I again get a 401 error

What am I missing here?

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