Slef Generated PDF's not sending as Attachemnts in Email

Hi all,
I have an issue sending pdf as an attachment, more specifically pdf’s that I created myself.

I am creating pdf invoices in a lambda function (aws), from there I am saving it in s3. Then I am getting the public s3 link in bubble and save it to the file system of bubble in their s3 Storage. But I can’t send these pdf’s as attachement.

Here is an example of a PDF I generated and saved to bubble, but that won’t send:

Is there some different way I need to use to generate the PDF? What are the requirments?

I am using the FPDF python library to generate and save the pdf.


Thanks for your post! At this time, only files stored on your app’s S3 file storage are supported as email attachments. File stored elsewhere will not be available as an email attachment. It sounds like you are ultimately saving the files to your Bubble app’s storage, however. If those aren’t sending for you, can you file a bug report for this case? We’ll need to look at your application, and then the success team will be able to assist you.


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