Slug Different value in workflow than in DB

In a workflow, after the “set slug” step, the item has the random value that is generated, but it is wrong, for some reason the value change in the final DB entry.

Another bug is with the “random string generator”, it returns the same value in two different steps, I found a workaround.

I created a minimal app to reproduce the error.

Please let me know if you need any permission to view the workflows.


I don’t understand the use case here – slugs are used to make your URL look pretty. It does not make sense to generate a random string to display your slug.

If you’re looking for something to reference your elements by, you can use the built-in “Unique ID” field.

Also, all slugs in your DB must be unique. If there is a duplicate, bubble will automatically add to your slug. If there is a duplicate and your slug is at max length, I think they will just change your slug completely (although I never encountered this, just read this somewhere).

I don’t use it like that in the app, I’ve put a minimal example to be able to reproduce it.
There are no duplicates nor does it reach 250 characters.
In any case, when does the value of the slug change? I can recover it in the same workflow?

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