Slugs but using firebase plugin

How do I set slugs using firebase database?

Today my event page is using parameters (parameter event and parameter event date) but I would like to update it to /event-name-date. I tried to set the type of content of the page but on this field it only gives me native bubble db options.


Hey @notify , you could use Bubble’s URL features. When you don’t specify a type of thing for a page, you can still send text data on the URL like so:
Them you can access this data on the page by using the “Get data from URL” Bubble feature.
I hope this helps.


My app is about event tickets, and today we have the page “date” and the page “event”. The page date has the event parameter and you can select the event date on the page witch redirects you to the event page with event and date parameter. To switch to path as you said, I would need just to replace parameter to paths (1 for event and 1 for date) or do I need unique paths for each event date?

You can store both information if you want, by spliting them with “/”.

So you could, if you want, have an URL like

You could access the list of “paths” on the URL using the “Get data from URL”, but in the “Path segments as list” option instead of only “Path”.

This would give a list of texts like [“events”, “event_name”, “event_date”] on the case above. Them you can choose an item on this list to use as you desire.

Thanks. I think that’s gonna work. May I ask how can I send multiple paths to another page?

Here you can see that from the date page I send the event as a path as you suggested but then I need to send other 2 parameters as path, how do I do it?

You just need to send them as text separated by “/”, as it ou were “building” an URL. You could use and Arbitrary Text and put them all inside.

Something like:

Or like

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