Social sharing (Quick question)

Hey guys/gals,

Quick question.

I’m messing around with the “AddtoAny” plugin by Bubble, which allows for “Share Buttons” for sharing pages on social media.

I need some clarification. Let’s say I have a page called “Artist Page” which displays dynamic data, depending on which “Artist” a user clicks on from a list of “Artists”. This “Artist Page” doesn’t require you to be logged in to see it. What should I be putting in this field:

Do I put “Current Page link”, if so, will it be intuitive to know to take them to that specific artist’s page that another user wants to share?

That is the way to do it, if you’re interested in using the plug-in, however, I want to learn how to do it WITHOUT the plug-in. So without the plugin, what should the “Destination URL”?


The way I’ve done it here doesn’t work…

I figured that out too. For anyone wanting to do this without the plugin you do:

[h]ttps:// Page thing link

Minus the around the h obviously

However, I don’t like how Bubble is being plugged like so:


When my app is live will it be showing the “.BUBBLEAPPS.IO”? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yes, until you get a custom domain which you will need a Bubble plan for.



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