Sharing post link at social media


Can we share internal links to external social media platforms, including dynamic link, and image?

Let’s fix this long “issue”!

E.g. i would love posts at my platform to have option to share, at this moment each post shared “show” - “static” image and link of the platform (from the settings).

Can we go around this, or through this? :slight_smile:

You should set custom URLs to your post’s individual pages. Then add the Copy Link button that will copy the URL. Watch Couple of These
Insert Dynamic Data in SEO Section of your Page Settings. That’s it.

Screen Shot 2021-08-20 at 11.57.54 PM

Let me know how it goes.

Hi @bestbubbledev, thanks for your reply!

Have already fixed clear urls, using slug created from a user, post, etc name, whereas there is also option for a user to update a custom and available slug, i.e. profile url.

On the other hand have used, tried, and tested SEO / FB element inputs, it seems that the feature natively doesn’t work, and that is the question.

E.g. as we use a user profile url, and place it at the social media as to create a post, and the SEO / FB inputs contains dynamic user page/profile related dynamic data, it would retrieve the data.

Would you be generous, to have a video meeting, to solve the problem, i would like to share, or if you want to as well - with the bubble community how to make it happen (SEO / FB) - social media sharing? (Let’s go PM to solve it, so that we can post the solution right away?) :slight_smile:


  1. Are you asking me to have a video call with you where we together try to solve the problem?
  2. Do you think I have the right answer and want me to show you over the video call?

I’m down for the option 1 cause I do not have the answer. If option 1 is what you asked, I’m down for it.

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Great! Let’s solve this for once and for all!

Keep fingers crossed Bubblers! :smiley:

You can support us by sharing likes within the tread! :wink:

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