Hello bubblers I’m facing an issue with a repeating group.
I need to sort it by the Creation Date…
When I sort it by Creation Date → Descending → No
I get the data, but when I sort it Creation Date → Descending → Yes
I dont get any data sown in the repeating group.
Anyone have any ideas why ?
Many thanks in advance,
Have you got any screenshots of what’s happening?
What screenshot do you want me to share Adam ? The one with data and the one without?
I think the problem might be that I have some conditions on that repeating group…
I have two buttons on that page to give my user the ability to sort/filter that repeating group.
One button is called “Descending” and when is clicked makes changes to current user Type of View → Descending.
The second button is called “Ascending” and when is clicked makes changes to current user Type of View → Ascending.
Then the conditions on the repeating group are:
When Current user Type of View is Descending
Data Source: Search for… sorted by Creation Date → Descending → Yes
When Current user Type of View is Ascending
Data Source: Search for… sorted by Creation Date → Descending → No
When I press on Ascending I get the data, but when I press on Descending I don’t get any data.
At first I thought that I wrote them wrong so they weren’t matching but I checked and everything is how should be.
Some screenshots of your RG/DB/workflows etc would be helpful (or better yet a link to your editor)…
I assume you’re making changes to the database in order to keep the RG order saved for the User? yes?
You can definitely simplify this - there should be no need for any conditional data sources here…
But again, seeing your app in more detail will be necessary to shed any light on what you’re doing wrong.
Can’t believe…
There was a space after the word “Descending” in my condition that’s why was not working.
I feel so dumb about that!
Thanks so much anyway for your help Adam!
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