Background: I am creating a listing app for businesses.
The twist: These businesses don’t have physical locations, they come to you.
The Data Type Setup: The way I have it set up currently is that the businesses add cities to a list of geographic addresses which data type is called Service Location. This is then displayed in a repeating group called Service Area Display. Once, they click the complete my listing button, I create a new Business data type and set the Areas Serviced field to the Service Area Display’s Service Locations’ Location. This successfully creates a list of geographic addresses for the Areas Serviced field.
The Issue: When I go to the explore page where I want the businesses to show up, I don’t even have to option to add a constraint for the field Areas Serviced
I could really use some help with this. My guess is that it is a data type issue and you can’t have a constraint of a list but these businesses service multiple areas so I’m not sure what to do.