I have read a lot of forum posts but I have been unable to find an anwser to my question. If anyone could help it would be awesome !
My situation is that I want to build a questionnaire on Bubble where a user can chose between either strongly agree or strongly disagree.
I have created a repeating group to show the list of questions, and the Likert scale (the group of radio buttons from strongly agree to strongly disagree) so that the user can answer :
My survey is made of a lot of questions, and I display questions 6 by 6, and when the user clicks on “next” it displays the next 6 questions.
What I do is that I have created a group made of all my radio buttons, and then I have created 7 different custom states in this group to be able to have a condition on my radio buttons and to show if it is selected or not :
In my workflow, when a user clicks on a radio button, it changes the custom state of the group of all the radio buttons and then it changes the background color of my radio button to show the user which one is selected.
What I want to do next, is that when the user clicks on “next” and it displays the next group of 6 questions, it sends to the database the choices of my user. In my database, I have created a type called “answer” with 3 fields :
- “Question” to store the text of the question
- “Answer” to store the answer of the question (number from 1 to 7 - strongly agree to strongly disagree)
- “User” to store the user who has answered.
Right now, I am able to create a new thing in the database, each time a user clicks on a radio button. I create a new thing in the database with these 3 fields, but it makes problems when I want to make sure that the user doesn’t answer twice the same question.
Instead, I want to use the states that I have stored in my radio button group and to store them in the database each time the user clicks on next, with the information about the answer and the user also. I have seen that it is possible on this forum post : Can bubble build a survey - #4 by sridharan.s (@sridharan.s)
But I really don’t understand how is it possible to do that.
The final goal for me is to build a survey that looks like this one : Free Personality Test | 16Personalities
Is anyone can help me on the topic ? Do not hesitate if I can give you any other information !
Thank you very much