Hi, I am building out my own stripe connection for more flexibility, I am at the area where I need to make an API call to “Create a Subscription”. On the Stripe Dashboard, I have created a Product with 5 different prices. Now to create the Call, I get an error on Bubble API Connector.
Bellow is my setup and error message." On the second Parameter Key, I have tried making it “Items”, but still receive the same error message.
Hi @doug.burden
Thanks for the response. The reason i have these other parameters is, I am building something that allows a user to donate on a recurring base, and choose their own amount.
I was thinking those fields were going to help modify the individual subscription for an individual Customer.
If the user is going to choose their own prices for recurring charges, you’d need to first make an API call to create a new recurring price with the amount the user chooses and the interval of charges - ie: weekly, monthly, yearly; then subscribe user to the ‘price’.
You can currently do this with the Stripe.js 2 plugin made by Copilot.
I thought i could just create one general product and price, and have customers choose them but modify their own price in the subscription level.
Just new to this whole API thing
Have you looked at the Stripe API docs for creating a subscription?..
there are quite a few required parameters that you’re missing: items[][price_data][currency] items[][price_data][product] items[][price_data][recurring][interval]
Also, you can’t have both price and price_data paramaters (you’re either using a predefined price from your Stripe account, or defining one in the call… you can’t do both).
So get rid of the items[][price] parameter, and be sure to include ALL of the required parameters (as per the docs):
This might be a dumb question for you Pros, but can I use “one product and one price” and have the customer modify the Price unit amount on the Subscription level so that the Original Product and Price remain the same for other users to lift from?
Used Case:
I am actually building a simple system for people to give donations to an organization.
In Stripe I have
Created a Product called “Donation”
Created 5 different prices
a. $1.00 (OneTime)
b. $1.00 (per Week)
c. $1.00 (per Month)
The idea is to have it set up (If possible) in such a way that, let say
John wants to donate $100 every week, starting on November 1st, 2022, when the button is clicked, an API call to create a subscription from the price b. ($1.00 (per Week)) whose recurring is already set to weekly, and then modify the pricing and attach it to the customer’s subscription