Is there a way to get the callback from Stripe when you successfully charge a card?
Aka Bubble is getting a webhook which is triggering the showing of ‘SUCCESS_CARD’ in language but there’s no away to capture that so that when you are seeing this message you can trigger something to happen or re-direct.
Well if you’re talking about webhooks, that happens on the backend.
Just create an API workflow, set up your webhook in Stripe, and initialize it. Then you can do whatever you want on the backend once the webhook is received.
If you’re talking about doing something on the page (which, from your screenshots it looks like you are), then you’ll want to make an API call to Stripe to check whatever thing it is you need to check (the checkout session, the payment intent, invoice etc.).
That’s my point - The basic stripe plugin should return this as it seems it does given how bubble reacts…but you can’t seem to capture this and do something about it.