Supabase advanced filtering

Hi Bubblers!

I’m stuck, I have to admit… I need your help!

I really tried all different ways of filtering through the plugin, workflows (sql query), chaining, but because it’s my first time working with Supabase plugin - I’m definitely missing something :frowning:

So my setup is as follows.

On every page I have a reusable component - Search_bar.

This search_bar has 4 filtering fields.

#1-Keywords - for titles, descriptions, and any other information in the product.
#2-Audience (it’s a list of audience in supabase column) - multiselect field
#3-Category - single select
#4-Sub_category - multiselect.

When I click button search and any of the field is not empty - I have to be able to go to a listing page and display product cards (videos) in a repeating group.

These filters should be separate OR not AND. The app should filter when either 1, 2, 3 or all 4 filters are set.

(I was able to setup search by keywords and only single audience not a list)

Your help would be much appreciated!