Supabase Plugin - Integrate Supabase into your Bubble app

Hi Bubblers :wave:

I’m thrilled to share a new plugin I developed to seamlessly integrate Supabase with your Bubble app.

This plugin enhances your apps by leveraging the robust and scalable services of Supabase.

Here’s a brief rundown of the included features:

:closed_lock_with_key: Authentication: manage your user accounts effortlessly with the Supabase authentication (email, phone, OAuth with providers like Google, Twitter, Slack, and more).

:floppy_disk: Database: provides direct interaction with your Supabase DB (fetch, insert, update, delete)

:package: Uploader & Storage: enjoy convenient file storage and efficient management of your Supabase object store (buckets)

:electric_plug: Edge Function: invoke edge functions directly from your Bubble workflow

:loud_sound: Real-time Broadcast: enable the sending and receiving of messages with your Bubble users

Please feel free to explore our demo app and documentation to fully understand how the plugin works:

Regular updates are rolled out to include the latest features and improvements from Supabase.

Looking forward to your feedback and seeing what amazing things you’ll create!


Hi Bubblers :wave:,

Excited to roll out an update to our Supabase plugin (v1.5.0)!
Now, you can directly invoke Postgres functions through Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) from your app.


Hi Bubblers!

I’m excited to announce that version 1.5.1 of the Supabase plugin is now live. :rocket:
This update includes various fixes to enhance overall performance and stability.

Don’t hesitate to share your feedback!


Great news! :star2: The latest update for the Supabase plugin (v1.6.0) is here and allows you to customize the uploader component to fit your unique style.

If you have any thoughts, ideas, or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to share.


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Hi Bubblers!

We’ve just rolled out version 1.7.2 of the Supabase plugin, and it comes with some long-awaited new features:

  • Added filter options for fetch, update, delete, and RPC calls, offering you enhanced control and flexibility.
  • Implemented sorting options and limit options for the fetch action.


    Your feedback and ideas are always welcome. If there’s anything you’d like to share or discuss, please don’t hesitate to reach out :slight_smile:

Hi, very good!!! This is the update I’ve been waiting for! Congratulations ! I will be sure to share my ideas with you because I am going to completely switch my application to supabase.

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Hi @gianni
Thanks for your message! :slight_smile:
We’re currently working on refreshing the documentation and we’ll roll out new features for the plugin really soon.

Hi Bubblers!

We’ve just launched version 1.8.0 of the Supabase plugin!
This update includes enhancements to ease the management of payload, body, and headers. Additionally, we’ve added new events for the auth and database components to simplify error management.

Also, the Quickstart guide is now available! You can find it here:
Quickstart tutorial | Supabase - Docs.



Hi! Thanks for the documentation and explanation of the plugin. I followed the instructions for fetching and insert data, but I notice that when calling the database | supabase object, I’m getting “Data with ID “undefined” from an API” and nothing is shown.
What could be the reason? Thanks in advance for your help.

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Hi @tools6,
Thank you for reaching out to me.

This error probably lies with the schema model you defined in the API connector.
I will send you a direct message immediately so that we can resolve this issue together.


Hello!, I’m having a problem showing the data from a table on the screen, I made two screens, one for login and another to show the data, the login screen allows me to log in and register a new user, but when I access the page to show the data it doesn’t list anything, I already put the privacy rules in supabase, even without rules it doesn’t show anything in the table, I followed the manual and I didn’t see any difference in what I’m doing, I put the token on the screen and the user data, and everything shows normal, just the token that is different from mine when registering.

Sorry if there are any words wrong, I’m translating from Portuguese to English.

Hi @acdeassissantos!

Thank you for reaching out.

Just to clarify, could you please explain what you mean by “I put the token on the screen”?

Please note that the current plugin version does not automatically fetch data on page load.
To retrieve the data, you’ll need to call the Fetch action in your workflow (e.g., in the page load workflow).

This might be the reason why the data isn’t displaying.

The next plugin version will introduce an option to automatically fetch your data on page load.
Let me know if this helps, or if you’re still experiencing any issues.

I can’t believe it was just that, I thought the data would be loaded automatically, now it appears, thank you very much!

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You’re welcome! The next version will be published in the next few days so you’ll be able to enable the fetch on the database component itself :wink:

hello! , if anyone can help me, I managed to integrate some screens in my system with Supabase, through this API, it was very good, I need help importing the data from Bubble to Supabase, before I was able to do it through a file CSV, now supabase keeps trying to load the file and doesn’t show anything, could I pull this data directly from supabase, does anyone have a function for this.

Hi @acdeassissantos
Have you considered using the psql CLI to import your data from the CSV using COPY?

psql -h DATABASE_URL -p 5432 -d postgres -U postgres -c "\COPY <table> FROM './file.csv';"

From Tables and Data | Supabase Docs
Hope this helps!

Hi guys,

May someone help me to teach how to post data from here to supabase?

Really appreciate if anyone can help me

Hey @shaqis !
Can you share a bit more about what you’re looking to do? It’ll help me point you in the right direction. :slightly_smiling_face:

hi @Nass , thanks for your reply

currently im doing an admin page, my concern rn is how to save all the input values and post it to supabase ?

below is my reference picture

You’re welcome!

So the plugin includes a database element.

You can initialize a new datatype in the API connector that matches your Supabase table schema and then add the database element to your page and set your Supabase table name and the datatype.


Then, when you click on save, you can simply call the Insert action on the associated workflow and pass your data.


There’s this demo page that shows how to implement some use cases. I can add new use cases to it if you need more examples.

Additionally, you might find this part of the quickstart guide useful:

Let me know if you have any questions!