Supabase Signup Issues

Hi All.

I’m building a project for a client with backend on Supabase and running into lots of issues.

I have problems to sign up the user and fetch data once user is logged in (user’s avatar, for example)

How to setup the workflow and everything else to signup the user successully and fetch the data?

Thanks in advance

There are two good commercial plugins - try both. The documentation to be fair for these plugins is average but that is going to be the easiest way to started.

Thanks, yes I’m using a plugin from @Nass Nocodegarden and it seems I’m running into a constant 500 error auth/v1/signup . I tried different ways and even used Chatgpt, but the error still there! :frowning:

{“component”:“api”,“error”:“failed to close prepared statement: ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block (SQLSTATE 25P02): ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "users_pkey" (SQLSTATE 23505)”,“level”:“error”,“method”:“POST”,“msg”:“500: Database error saving new user”,“path”:“/signup”

Hey @andrew.prshkv,
Happy to help if I can! Do you have any triggers in your auth.users table? How does your users table look?

@Nass it looks like this

with this trigger:


Hey @andrew.prshkv

Regarding your screenshots, it looks like you have a “users” table in the public schema, right? I think the error lies in your trigger (on_auth_user_create) Would you mind removing it temporarily and retrying the signup to help identify the issue?

Hey @Nass

That worked! Thanks a lot - now I’m able to signup and user is saved in auth.users

Can you also please suggest or share some docs how to properly set a trigger so some fields (first/last name, email, etc.) are also created in related tables (public.profiles and public.users)?

This video should help:

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You’re welcome. Sure, you can check this article:
