Support for Icons as Text - BBCode + Font Awesome

[fa] fa-brands fa-facebook-messenger [/fa] returns as empty.
I think the issue is the fa-brandsprefix.

Do you have any idea on how to display this icon using this structure?

@fred.illies @AliFarahat @dodo

If you are an FA pro user you can create your own kits by setting the kit ID in your header

you can use light, duotone, thin icons etc and size them
code looks like this in bubble

[fa]light fa-address-card fa-xl[/fa]
that will give you an 18 point light address card assuming you have 16pt standard text

most of these commands work (including pulse, rotate, flip, inverse etc) Animating Icons | Font Awesome Docs

you can also stack icons so this
[fa]light fa-address-card fa-xl fa-stack-1x[/fa] [fa]light fa-slash fa-xl fa-stack-1x[/fa]

gives you the top icon in this image

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Is it possible to use BBCode with another icon library? For example, Solar (Solar - 7401 open source icons - Iconify)