Swipe previous page on Android / iOs SPA

Hello everybody.
On my mobile app (Coogli - Tracking Baby) made in a single page, I added URLs to move from one page to another, everything works without problems on the web, but when I launch the app (on Android or iOs), swiping back does not work.
There is indeed an arrow displayed but nothing happens (as you can see in the attached image). My app has been wrapped on BDK.
I installed a Swippe iOs Android plugin, same thing, it doesn’t work. Any idea how to do this please ?

Have you tried BetterSwipe?

Nope I have bought this plugin : Swipe Detector (iOS and Android) but unfortunately, It doesn’t work. I will test with yours. Thanks

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You can test if it works on the demo for your device, I don’t think there are any issues (haven’t tested in a while though). It may need to be updated.